Thursday, July 2, 2009

Whoa! Where have we been???

My goodness... my intent with this blog was to be a regular updater... I need to do better! We continue to be BUSY, BUSY! This summer has been a blast so far filled with trips to the pool, a weekend trip to Aledo to catch up with Franks relatives, a great trip to Door County with great friends, and bike riding! We finally got Reece a bike seat and it's been great since we live so close to tons of great parks and trails.

This weekend is the 4th of July- one of my favorites! We will spend the 4th the way we always do- at the Janci's celebrating Sarah's birthday! It truly is one of my favorite days of the year! Great food and great friends!

I will be running in my 9th annual Independence Day 5K and then it's back to Wheaton to see Jerm marching in the parade!!! Yep, you read that right, Jeromy will be marching!!! Reece should get a kick out of that.

We have been taking tons of pictures of our fun summer and I promise to update the gallery soon!

But here are a couple that just crack me up!

Monday, May 11, 2009


I had an absolutely perfect 2nd Mother's Day. Jeromy and Reece spoiled me and I got to spend the day with my 2 men doing exactly what I wanted! The perfect weekend was capped off with a special Mother's Day dinner prepared by my dad at our house. Dickie Moe whipped up a delicious dinner and I was able to celebrate Mother's Day with my mother too!

This title of this blog can be explained by the pictures below. Reece loves to show off his beebo (belly button, thanks Maddie Williams!) and now he loves finding other people's beebos too. He found Papa's beebo!

Papa and Reecie will have more beebo time on Thursday night when Papa babysits Reece for the first time alone!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Best Buds

How lucky are we that Brian, Amy and Jack moved back??? Reece and Jack truly are two peas in a pod. This weekend was a perfect example of how lucky we are...
Poor daddy was super sick last week and didn't get any work done. Aunt Amy really helped us out and took Reecie on Friday morning so Jeromy could get somethings accomplished. Jerm said Reece didn't even see him leave because he was too busy playing with playdough that Amy had set up for the boys. Then, Jeromy and Reece headed back for boys night with Brian and Jack later that night! How fun!
We ended up spending the entire weekend with the Brinks and the adults sat around amazed at how much these boys love spending time together! SO great! Look at Jackie Blue with his arm around Reece at Megan and Jack's bday party!

Busy, Busy Spring!

Happy 19 month birthday to my little man! I cannot believe that it has been 19 months??? Where does the time go? Well lately the time has been spent outside! What a beautiful weekend we just enjoyed. Reece wants nothing more than to be outside so Jeromy and I are happy when the weather is cooperative because otherwise we shiver while Reece plays!

Reece found himself in puddle heaven last week after all that rain. I even surprised myself by stripping him down and letting him splash around in the muddiest puddle ever! People gave me some really strange looks, but Reece couldn't have been happier. Puddle play was followed by a quick dunk in the kitchen sink. This was Reece's first time in the kitchen sink and he sure got a kick out of it!

Our web gallery has been updated so please take a look at all of our adventures.

Monday, April 13, 2009

What a difference a year makes...


Run Chicken Run!

I wanted to give a "shout out" to Jennifer "Chicken" Janci who ran her first marathon last weekend! Chicken is a regular follower of the Franks 'n' Beans blog and we are so proud of her! She had a beautiful day for running and finished faster than her goal time! Wish we could have been there to cheer- but great job Chick!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Musical Child?

While there are very few doubts that Reece Dean will be a ball player of some sort, I am wondering if there is any chance that I will have a musically inclined child. Although I consider myself to be an excellent singer... there isn't an overwhelming amount of musicality in our immediate family. However, I am using these recent pics of our little man with his Grampy as my glimmer of hope!